Kyrias: postpostpostpostpostpostpostpost
:sigh: alright, alright, alright, yeesh.
I burned out the motors on my windshield wipers. don't ask me how. i'm just infinitely talented in that respect. so my wipers don't work, and one of my rear brakes freezes in the cold.
needless to say, i'm a little testy about it. however, jess knows a dubber mechanic (dubber=VW fanatic). We have left the baby in his capable hands.
in theory i genetically engineered E. Coli to be resistant to two different antibiotics instead of one on monday. (YAY.) (don't worry, we autoclaved everything. made it deaddeaddead.) it was a fun lab. we got to get Ben and Jerry's while we waited for the bacteria to incubate. however, when we returned the next day, we found that only one of the plates had grown, meaning only one resistance gene took. (pudu.) we put them back in the incubator for another 24 hours, and made new plates of the stuff that did grow on the off chance we screwed up the other plates somehow. we shall see.
christmas cometh (heaven help me). its both and upside and a downside of the quarter system, that you miss the amazing christmas circus for most of december (which is really, REALLY nice), but you also don't get the happy holiday spirit (and you enter christmas week exhausted from the first round of exams in week 3 of 10).
also, while i see people more this quarter than i did last, its still lonely.
janice wants me to be her replacement for her terrestrial isopods phylogeny project. i get training today. :-) woot.
i'm in a vertebrate evolution class. its awesome, and we're learning a whole lot, however....
yesterday we did a section on hagfish (aka slime eels) and lampreys (both v. primitive vertebrates). lampreys are pretty sketchy to me because they're parasites. hagfish are scavengers, and do this cool thing were they tie themselves into a knot to get leverage to tear away meat from a carcass. they also produce an astounding slime. i mean, this stuff--just a little of this stuff--can make all the surrounding water turn gooey. its
amazing stuff. now, with that said...
I had a nightmare last night, involving hagfish coming out of faucets and slime everywhere--a frigging hagfish epidemic! they were everywhere! and there were giant worms that would eat people, and national crisis, and OMG!
stupid weather change. always gives me weird dreams.
i'm still blaming my professor on thursday.
dammit universe.