People are worried about Gardasil side effects.
Never mind that in previously uninfected patients the efficacy of the drug is 100%. Never mind that cervical cancer is deadly, and effects primarily young women with families. Never mind the face that it is men who are often the reservoir for this disease. oh no. its DANGEROUS.
three deaths have been vaguely connected to gardasil. this is 3 out of 5 MILLION patients. all of these deaths have different primary causes. the most common side effects are redness, swelling, or pain at the injection site, and mild fever. (I had pain and swelling, as well as the mild fever, I got over them all in a day.) No study has ever shown Gardasil to be harmful.
but there are those who day that HPV is a "disease" and Gardasil is a "drug company product to sell to a panicked populace."
uh....get yer freaking science right. HPV is relatively harmless--until the infection has continued for years, and eventually the viral DNA becomes one with the host DNA (host=you.) the HPV has all sorts of mechanisms to make the cell divide, which also reproduces the the virus. when the viral DNA is incorporated, the virus no longer exists, but the ability to divide unhindered remains in the cell. Ta-da, cancer. This isn't trickery, its basic virology. DO YOUR RESEARCH, you fuckers.
dammit universe.
Have you seen that they're trying to get young men to be vaccinated with Gardasil? I guess it's better than the other option for getting men to stop being a source of infection... Circumcision has been shown to lower the risk of catching/passing on the HPV strains that cause cervical cancer.
actually, circumcision is good at preventing the spread of numerous STDs, including HIV. v. interesting.
I'm not sure I condone chopping of bits of babies for that reason though. I'll ask C what he thinks.
properly anesthetized babies? performed by a doctor?
otoh, circumcision actually can lower sensitivity, because the foreskin serves to protect the mucus membranes on the penis, and when removed, they dry up. this is also why it works for preventing STD transmission.
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